Florida Friends,
After hearing the Dobbs case oral arguments at the United States Supreme Court, it is likely that Roe v. Wade will be overturned. If it is, the issue of abortion will be kicked back to individual states to decide.
The Republican Majority Florida legislature has killed the “Pain Capable” bill four years in a row. Scientists believe that fetuses can feel pain after 20 weeks’ gestation and this bill would stop abortions after 20 weeks.
Florida law currently allows abortion to 24 weeks gestation. Republican leadership would not entertain the “Pain Capable” bill.
The Florida legislature tries to look pro-life when it’s really not. The proof is Florida is number three in the nation for the highest number of late term abortions performed – again, legal to 24 weeks. Because of the size of the baby, the abortion is performed over two days culminating in the abortionist dismembering the baby to remove it. The plain truth is the Florida legislature has failed to uphold the Republican Party Platform by not protecting the unborn.
What will expose their corruption and pro-life shell game will come in June of this year when the Dobbs case is decided.
Twenty-one states have enacted heartbeat legislation. Those twenty-one states will essentially have abortion bans in place the minute the Dobbs decision comes out. Where will Florida fall?
Nowhere near those twenty-one states.
The Florida legislature is going to fall on its face, showing the rest of the country they had every opportunity to enact the same legislation and instead, they attacked former Florida Representative, Mike Hill, for sponsoring a Heartbeat bill. The Republican Party of Florida rallied around and funded Hill’s political challenger and sent Hill home for daring to author such a bill.
Right now, the current shortsighted Republican leadership think the current proposed pro-life legislation being discussed which is a ban on abortion after 15 weeks, will be sufficient.
Not even close.
When Dobbs is decided, the RPOF and the Florida Legislature will have to answer to their pro-life donors, who are arguably the most generous donors in America, why they couldn’t get a heartbeat bill passed like twenty one other states did. They’ll have to answer to Floridians, of which 70% support limiting abortion after 12 weeks.
They will not be able to hide their actions any longer.