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General Meeting. Candidate Roundtable

05 July 2022 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

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July 5, 2022
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm EDT
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2 Responses

  1. Dear Manatee Patriots,
    My name is Tom Lavin, 331 Bernard Ave., Sarasota, FL 34243-1905. I am a life-long conservative, currently registered R but ran for office in PA as a Constitutional Party candidate, was a PSU president of the Young Americans for Freedom and campaigned for Barry Goldwater and was a Republican Committeeman in my former 316 E. Market St., Marietta, PA 17547 residence. Now, at 79 yrs., I have a “phantom voter” registered to vote at my Ballentine Manor, Manatee Co., FL home, named Jose Rodriguez and I am having much trouble getting rid of him. You can see his listed FL voter registration at:




    Neither the Manatee Supervisor of Elections, Mike Bennet (R) nor his worker Christine Palmer have been attentive to this violation of Election Integrity. Can you help me with this problem, evicting the “phantom voter” from 331 Bernard Ave.?
    If there is a lawyer member of the Manatee Patriots, a letter to Mike Bennet might be help or just advertising the fact that Manatee Co. is telling me I would have to wait 2 General Elections (8 years) before Jose Rodriguez can be removed from the FL Voter Registration Roles and not telling me that the Supervisor of Elections can act by himself to remove the “phantom voter”.
    I will forward the exchange of e-Mails that I have had with Palmer and Bennet to info@manateepatriots.us and
    I will try to attend your general meeting 5 July 2022, 6-8 PM, for the candidate roundtable discussion since I am interested in getting your endorsements for conservative candidates.

    1. Hi Tom, Thanks for the input. We have lots of tools to help us research questionable voter registrations. Please come to our next meeting on July 5 so that we may discuss further. We look forward to meeting you.

      Mark Stanoch
      Election Integrity Action Team

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